Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dangerous Individual Training

When the PE teacher changed his purple raincoat and ski-goggles for a black suit jacket, I knew that something was going to happen at school.
Then, Kyoto Sensei turned off al the lights, and told me I could go home at 4:00, because they will be having a meeting.
Half an hour later, all the teachers walked out of the teacher's room, video cameras and long sticks in their hands. My JTE must have noticed my amused looks, because he came over and explained: "These people are here for.. dangerous individual training."

They re-enacted an entire scene. Half an hour ago, I was sniggering and snorting at the articles on watkykjy, and now I had a live re-enactment of dangerous individual threats. A good day.

Someone rang the buzzer. The Kyoto Sensei walked slowly to go open it. As if he didn't know what was waiting for him. Everyone pretended to be busy for 20 seconds, and then.. the whistle blew.
The jacket-clad PE teacher and the short teacher both grabbed their holding sticks (think of a metal halfmoon attached to a long stick - ideal for pinning bad guys onto walls - but still big enough for them to slip out of, haha, didn't think about that now did you!) and ran into the hallway. The JTE ran after, holding the camera.

There were a few sounds of commotion.. and they returned to the staffroom bearing triumphant smiles.

This training was not only exciting, but also practical. Now we are just waiting for a dangerous individual to come to Japan, trek through the mountains, make it to this small town, climb up the long hill to my school, make it past the video cameras outside, get through the video camera'ed front door (maybe disguised as a lady selling apples) and disturb the general peace.
Or maybe one of the townsfolk will go crazy.
We can only hope.

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