Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hyaku bottles of beer on the wall, hyaku bottles of beer..

The vice-principal just offered me coffee, even though I've been parked on the net for almost an hour now. Maybe they do like me.
See, this is where paranoia comes in. You sit at your desk, secretly typing mail messages about Mexian nights and Second-hand shopping into your keitai under the table. You could be making worksheets or re-developing the teaching structure or thinking up games for class, but really, there'd be no point.

My team-teacher partner (snigger. haha. yeah. whatever) has called in sick for the second day in a row. Yesterday he had a very, very high fever. Today he cannot move his head. Ladies and Gentlemen, English has been cancelled. Ja, these kids' English future has been cancelled. At least they have Japanese, which'll take them another 6 or so years to figure out in any case.

Wait, the paranoia bit:
So, you're sitting at your desknot working, which in essence goes against my work-ethic grain, but I have my own admin to do and verbs to study, and no classes to teach. Shite man, the kyoto-sensei even asked me to please enjoy studying today.
But still.
Underlying paranoia combined with just enough knowledge of the language to know that you don't understand, creates a dangerous combination. In my hiragana-muddled mind, any and every conversation could be about me, and how I'm not working. It's all the product of knowing that I could be doing more than I am at the moment. Eish.
That's the thing with paranoia. It's very self-centered. And that's exactly the reason why I never hang onto it for very long.

And in other news, I don't have school the next two days.

Join the JET program! All we ask of you is nothing!


wildwoman said...

don't worry about being on the internet. they tell you when to pay for school lunch, when to eat, they will tell you when you can't use the internet. i cruise on there all day. don't look paranoid or they will be come paranoid. i walk around like i know what i am doing and probably can get away with never cleaning a day in my life. i always look busy doing NOTHING. walk with a mission, use the internet with a mission in mind. my dad gave me the best advice, never do too much at the beginning, then they will expect it from then on. so if you go out of your way later, it will seem like the angels have spoken.

psychic earthling said...

Nice chatting to you last Friday/Saturday night...
Mis jou stem, het ek besef.

sojourner incognito said...

Britt.. I actually remember you saying that, about what your dad said, way back when at Gary's place. I think it stuck somehow, cause I've been oozing through my daily demands.. which aren't much, of course.

Though, on a side note, I was inspired this weekend to do more, be all I can be.. or a little bit less, seeing as this is JET. So I'm scheming to rock a bit of life into the suicidal 15-year olds.