Monday, January 22, 2007

An environmental note

Having an island to party on does not come without a price. Long before the yearly countdown to midnight began, the beach looked more like a garbage dump than a flyer for paradise. The ocean licked its way through bottles and buckets, and puddles of water were filled with straws and cigarette butts. On the plus side, the beach was cleared up so efficiently the next morning that you could literally see the mess disappearing bit-by-bit like stop-frame photography. It's clear to see that the guys from KP are used to foreigners coming to their beaches to make a horrid mess, bringing money and destruction. It's the perfect situation to prove that tourism is another horseman of the apocalypse. It's a vicious cycle, and it will continue. Just like global warming. So, 10 out of 10 for the guys with the plastic bags the morning after, but
it doesn't end there.

When I did my first dive a few days after, I was trying to establish buoyancy in the fantasy environment of the underwater world. I was completely enamored by the utter alienness of it.. until I spotted a nice, fat green beer bottle 12 meters under the surface. Thank you, human race. No worries- that bottle is sure to disappear in, let's see, about 5000 years or so. No harm done.

1 comment:

Dylan said...

I've never thought of tourism as a horseman of the apocalypse, but now that you mention it....

Check out my version from last year: