Wednesday, September 13, 2006

after all these years..

Tonight is the night.

I've been wanting to see this movie ever since Hernes and Riette told me how they saw this in Germany, and held hands crying, and I sniggered and called them wusses. That was aaaages ago, and I've unsuccessfully been half-heartedly looking for this film. I did manage to catch 5 seconds of it while channel-hopping when I was still dating that other dude. Rephrase - ages ago when I still used to date.

Then, last night I found it while raiding Vicky's video collection. It was like an emerald in the hay, a needle on the camels's back, a shiny thing presented to a depraved crow. I can't wait.

Man, screw this blogging thing, I'm going home.


Anonymous said...

"There is nothing to see."

partieweirdo said...

So, have you seen it yet? What did you think?
How can M say that there is nothing to see. I LOVE Lars von Trier!

Anonymous said...

"You cannot see, can you?"

Selma : "There is nothing to see."

Anonymous said...

and then she breaks into railway inspired song..

"I have seen it all..."

I'm in love with the sound of trains. And now it reminds of a blind bjork as well.