Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fuji Food

I have been inacpacitated for 2 days now. My legs are so sore that I had to take the car to school today, and I have to slide down the 4 steps from my 'loft' to my 'living room' on my bum, cause climbing stairs is too painful. I am a victim of Fuji-san. My chapped lips and sunburnt face is the price I payed to see one of the great wonders of the natural world - a sunrise from Mount Fuji. And it was worth it.

Before I elaborate on the volcanic rocks and the lights in the night, I want to introduce to my mostly South African readers another amazing Japanese snackfood - The Onigiri.

Onigiri is basically a triangular steamed rice ball with a convenient blanket of seaweed wrapped around it. Inside this plain but tasty snack, you can find anything from Ikura (fish eggs) to tuna & mayo, Umeboshi (extremely salty pickled plums) or salmon. The combinis (convenience stores.. but they are, like REALLY convenient) stock a host of flavours, shapes and sizes, and it has become one of my favourite on-the-go things to eat.

Onigiri was also the reason why I made it all the way up Mount Fuji. To be technical, Jen's onigiri (thank you!) and a few Snickers bars (which made me think of you, Wessel) is what got me to the top. I finished all my food before we were even 100m up the mountain, and was forced to snack on the rest of the night climb crew's food: nuts and apricots, dried peas and energy bars, chicken-shits and dried banana. You guys rock. Volcanically.

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