Friday, October 06, 2006

Program 3 Lesson 2

"I have accepted the fact that there is no God in Japan" - South African, Nagasaki.

So, Hello Kitty and black bobby socks with golden shoes are big in Japan. So are stupid hairclips on boys, easily accessible alcohol, stuffed animals dangling from cellphones, keepin' up with what's hot this week, oven mitts as bicycle gloves, not using couches, and pokemon characters that get in the way of the weather report on TV. The list goes on forever.

With so many things being big in Japan, they kinda missed out on the Sunday as a rest day. Maybe it's a Western thing. God knows (..or does He..?), organised religion is NOT big in Japan.

I'm going to have to work my third Sunday, soon. Trouble with the previous two was that I didn't sleep for many, many consecutive hours, and then tried to stay awake during 45 minute long plays in Japanese, soaked in bad acting. It was an exercise in futility.

Today, I was presented with the following deal:
You work at the open day on 22 October. It's a Sunday, of course.
You get the Monday off.
The possibility exists that you can go home at 13h00 on Sunday
If you go home at 13h00.. you are not allowed to leave your house until 16h15.

Now, I can try to be funny and say (to myself).. "Haha.. what, is Big Brother going to see me?"
but I know the answer to that question. And it's not a comforting one.


Anonymous said...

that quote is brilliant. there's no god in japan, but there are a lot of spiders. after i left you last night (to stand for 45 mins in front of the takahashi train station) one exceptionally large one dropped down my neck and into my shirt. fortunately for all (including the spider) i was so fucking exhausted that my reaction was to say, "oh," reach into my shirt, extract the spider, and let it go running off into the dark. next time, that thing and all its ancestors are toast.



Anonymous said...

Safrican greeting style: Howzit dude! Laughed so hard when I read this post that I almost fractured my ribcage. Very entertaining. tot later mater. Dandylion.

Anonymous said...

Jen.. haha, no ways. I've been eyeing those spiders ever since I got here, and so far I've only been closely introduced to one.

Surprising, if you think of all the dodgy deserted places we've been at. The scorpion.. I mean spider.. inside the toilet on that mountain by the inland islands, and the very vivid memory of trance party squatters with huge spiders stuck on the wall right in front of your face. Thankfully I only heard later that they were jumping spiders.

There are these HUGE gorgeous ones in Tetta. Black, yellow and pink spiders with strange oblong rectangular bodies. Student smalltalk told me that they're called Asagumo.. morning spiders.

Which leads me to the memory that someone told me why The Four Seasons are so important in Japan. The winter is needed to freeze all the insects to death. The summer is needed to.. party as hard as you can.

I still wanna write something about our four-hours-sleep-in-72-hours weekend. But it's sadly lacking photos. Lugged my camera and poi the entire way, and used both only once.

Ahh man.. what a weekend.
