Monday, May 29, 2006

Experiencing A Slight Change In Pressure

My options are limited:

1) Take an aimless walk around the factory

2) Phone a friend

3) De-scale the kettle

I've already done 1 and 2, and option 3 will have to wait a while, as I'm letting the water cool down for my umpteenth super-sized cup of green tea. No one should have to be at work at 4 o' clock on a Sunday afternoon. I'd rather be sitting outside with the sun on my face, reading the Sunday newspaper. But eh, you can't always do what you want. If you could have, free will would have lost it's novelty years ago.

All the white men who work nightshift here look like pedophiles with hidden collections of kitty and kiddy porn in their basements. And toy trains. I greet them with a friendly smile, but from afar, in fear that they might smell me. There's a younger nightshift guy who looks like a really scary Wolverine. Imagine Wolverine on meth for 6 days straight, lost in an industrial area. Wearing dark blue overalls. Scary people.

Yesterday, I took a manic drive from work to home to Pretoria, making my way to a non-compulsory JET Q&A session at the Embassy. Initially, I decided to go to check out my fellow jets, but in the end the gathering proved to be informative. Fortunately or unfortunately (I've yet to make up my mind), I've been researching Japan/JET like a crazylady for almost a year now. My brain is super-saturated with island info. Please, I'm looking for a distraction. Tell me a story, or invite me to something.

Time to de-scale that kettle, I think.


Anonymous said...

Counting the days, are you? I'm going away until the 23rd, then I'll be back to make your life rosey again!

Anonymous said...

it seems as if the WWW does not want the two of us to communicate with each other. so nou blog ek dit maar: TOU and Miss U my bohemian sista!

psychic earthling said...

and so my first comment "blogger-style"

sojourner incognito said...

welcome, welcome to the picture album..

en, once again, ek dig die naam..

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!