Friday, March 10, 2006

Big Sister Is Watching You

Sitemeter has this nifty little function that you can use to sniff out your readers like pure-bred policedogs. I've become secretly addicted to it, watching you watching me, curiousity and travel-mindedness getting the better of me. Interestingly enough, most of my pageviews are not from South Africa (i.e. my four friends that read my blog), but from Mauritius.

Aloha-ha-ha! Or is that Ha-ha-ha-waiian? I've been racking my brain to figure out what or which post could have led to a connection with a small little honeymoon island that I've never been to (and might never go to - seems a bit commerical - but that's judging a book even without seeing the travelogue cover). I have no idea. Maybe there are a lot of Buddhists on Mauritius. Or people with mango orchards. Or girls with green shoes. Or cats that park and purr on computer screens. Who knows? Not me.
But this is my ola-aloha to Mauritius. Do you have a couch I can come crash on?


Cacophony said...

i've got the same thing. think its wicked. some others include iceland, hong kong and japan. i love technology. if only all would leave comments.

sojourner incognito said...

if only.. we'd make some friends and be influenced by people.. I think my most interesting was Delhi and Malta.. Malta? Is there such a place?