Saturday, March 04, 2006

Reptilian Blood

My ear is still warm from a long converastion on the phone with wessel, during which we spoke a bit about blogging. Speaking about blogging, and blogging about speaking, a ring is round and has no end. In his blog he commented that my blog was the blog that got him blogging. The blog that got me blogging belongs to a fish in japan, the chick whohasaboat. Lately I don't have time for bloggunication anymore, but I read her posts on wessel's blog. Somewhere there's a full circle in there as well. I do miss writing down arbitrary thoughts, Not as much as I miss my friends though. And sleep.
My place is such a mess. I had to look for the keyboard under a heap of crap; broken mirror shards, nail clippings (DNA), half-drawn crossword puzzles and worksheets for mock classes, tampon wrappers, peach pips, scratched cds and dry, lonely twigs that were once heavy and proud with sweet, black grapes. There's also a variety of dead insects, those who thought they were on a bullet train to enlightenment, only to hit the glass bulb and burn to death, Rest in peace, nĂȘ?
After not sleeping for more than 24 hours somewhere in the middle of the week, I turned the corner into my room, and almost tripped over this huge gecko that decided to wait for me on the floor. Tense, frozen, poised to dart away at the slightest hint of movement. I slowly backed away, not making a sound. I got my camera, I mean my phone, and tiptoed back, making sure that I stay in the shadows. It hadn't spotted me. On all fours a slowly crawled closer to get a nice-full screen shot of Mr Lizard. I was like a thief in the night, like shadow-woman, like underground paparrazzi. I snapped him, and shimmied away, gaining +10 points in stealth.
A few minutes later, I walked past there again, and he was still chillin' in the same spot. I walked closer. This time in the light. And closer. Until I could turn him over with my foot. Which was when I saw that, where his stomach used to be, my cat had chewed out a sizable chunck of essential tissue. At least now I have a picture of a dead lizard on my phone.


Cacophony said...

lol. i love that you thought you were catwoman, when in actuality your cat was, well a cat. brilliant post. tee hee

sojourner incognito said...

Sometimes I do think that I'm turning into a cat, maybe cause I spend most of my time with a cat. Not anymore though, but.. technicalities.. I stretch like a cat, my eyes look like that of a cat, and I'm almost fluent in Cat (the Ichigo dialect).

Cacophony said...

i'm still struggling to catch up with that particular dialect. i suppose that straight males just don't get me.