Thursday, March 30, 2006

Food Stopped Being Love

I'm so sick of eating. It might be due to the fact that I'm forced to eat, like my over-active liver soon has to be the base for a delicious human fois-gras. It's the joys of being a food technologst for a company that produces over 250 different types of convenience foods. And I hate the heat-and-eat society, the society that don't know their children's names, but have flatron tv screens in every room. The society that take pills for every problem from depression to erection, who believe in quick fixes and instant highs. Of course, I am part of this society - it's inevitable. But it doesn't mean that I have to agree with it.

The popularity of conveniene foods is just an after-dinner burp of the society that is too freaking busy to spend five one hour to prepare a proper meal.

At work, I'm forced to eat. They call it daily QC - quality control. I call it the reason I might just become bulemic. Fortunately, our office is a good 5 minutes' run from the closest toilet, so bulemia seems like way too much trouble. Oh what the hell - I'll swallow. Bring it on.

We used to only have to do it once a week. As of tomorrow, I have to force down, I mean QC, the following:
22 flavours of sandwich
4 flavours of omelette
131 components (which includes things like rocket, 6 types of cheese, 7 types of red meat, 11 types of sauce, hard-boiled egg, mayo mixes, tomato, parsley, pizza bases, breads, dips, ugh..)

That's the daily list. I have a weekly list as well. It includes a page of other crap, with cheese on top.

I'm not complaining. Wait, who am I trying to kid - I'm complaining. I realise that there are starving kids and poverty around the corner. Those guys are more than welcome to come do my QC sessions for me. You buy the plane ticket, I'll hand over my lab coat and green mopcap. Really. Any applicants can leave me a message. No dietary restrictions, please. Absolutely no vegetarians.

PS - The bird is to make me feel better. So is the green tea.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

and yet i crave all those foods you HAVE to consume. i miss those g(d)ull days...

partieweirdo said...

Oi, thank goodness I don't eat meat. How do you say so thin though? Do you like, walk 70km a day?

sojourner incognito said...

They'd have a huge issue with it if I didn't eat meat. Thank goodness I eat everything. Oh, and after work I don't eat anything except the odd fruit.