Monday, March 06, 2006

Stop The Boat

It started with a stuffy head. Stiff neck. The shakes. Indecisive body temperature. Lazy cough.

Flushed face. Rollercoaster head. It grieves me to say this, but I think I'm getting sick.

Beautiful virus though, if you check the picture. I almost don't mind playing host to Mr & Mrs Flu and their future offspring. I actually don't mind being sick - I just hate feeling sorry for myself. And it's inevitable. Last night, as I was rolling around in feverish sleep, it already started: 'poor me poor me'.

With the way I've been not sleeping and not eating properly and driving around all the time and not seeing my friends for verbal TLC and walking around naked in the cold, I'm actually surprised it took so long. But yeah, I was waiting for it, and now I'm sick.


Cacophony said...

stick with the two g's. green tea and garlic. hope u feel better, and if its any consolation, i'd feel sorry for myself too.

Anonymous said...

Healing energy coming your way...

Anonymous said...

Healing energy coming your way...

sojourner incognito said...

energy sommer in double-dosage.. grand.
Yeah I'm drinking green tea like it's the last day on earth (which is, by the way, how I'll spend my last day. I'll definitely work in some green-tea time), as for the garlic bit? Hmm, unless I swallow whole cloves, I'm not gonna get it into my body. Not cooking for myself, you know..
Well, I figured that I won't stay sick forever, and time is passing really quickly, so all in all it's not too bad a deal.