Monday, January 16, 2006

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Humanism is a broad category of active ethical philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on our ability to determine what is right using the qualities innate to humanity, particularly rationality. Humanism is a component of a variety of more specific philosophical systems.

I though of labelling myself as a Humanist. Cause I like humans, and stuff. No, actually because the only thing that makes me lash-out angry is when people look down on others because they are different. To quote Tom Robbins, "there is no such thing as a weird human being - it's just that some people require more understanding that others".
Although I'm sure my Humanism thing came from a racial segregation weekend issue, I still like that quote.

Maybe I'm a bit like Princess Leigh-Cheri in the fact that I just want to buy the world a Coke.


Cacophony said...

i'd prefer a green tea if she's offering

Anonymous said...

That quote is soooo very true!