Friday, January 27, 2006

Woza Weekend..

If I can get away from work, I'll be able to go steal some desserts, pack, shower, and hit the road, Jack.
Pretoria is inviting me with open arms, very much looking forward to this weekend.. First time in yonks I'm gonna get to see the majority of my friends all together on one evening. December holiday has come to an end, and the University kids are slowly returning to their flats and communes. Oh, and lobster. I'm finally getting that lobster that I've been anticipating for weeks now.
Then Saturday early-morning return to Bronkhorstspruit, complimentary lunch at The Temple. They have such good food. All vegetarian, of course, but oh so good. Strange tastes, I'm sure they balance head and heart, and all the other organs in between.
Now, for those desserts....

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