Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Yoi ichinichi o

The difference between people. My colleagues and I are both on google images. I'm trying to find an image that depicts interconnectedness, while the two of them are ogling pictures of flower arrangements and wedding dresses.
I know I talk about me vs them a lot, but it's the effect of my environment. Stay in a place long enough, and you become one of its people. It rubs off on you. And between half of my matric class and all of my pregnant colleagues, it was inevitable that I started doubting whether or not I chose the right path. I don't know anyone like me. And I'll take that as a compliment.

See, these moments of self-doubt normally don't last longer than an ad-break. But I'm back, hello! and the point of this post was not to wonder about my normality, but to appreciate the people whose paths have crossed, and sometimes intertwined with mine.

I decided not to blog (for like a day) because of various reasons, the main one being that (as an effect of my environment) I've started posting about cleaning products and handwashing. And yesterday, washing wineglasses, I caught myself lazily composing another entry in my head. At that point I realised that I really do need to get a life. After which I realised that hectic times are on the horizon, I'm just too impatient to wait for them.

Change of job (within the company), February brings with it a three month TEFL course in JHB which means new people, new routine, new student card, JET on the horison.. acronym anyone? And my friend Gert is treating me to some lobster tomorrow evening, driving all the way to Deadville, SA to come see me. It's gonna be good.

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