Tuesday, January 31, 2006

For My Entertainment

I've rediscovered superglue and instantly bonded my skin to both a pair of sunglasses and my trusty bag.
In my quest to become more of a chick, I decided to investigate the contents of my bag. It's not a handbag, handbags are impractical and you have to handle them with care. You cannot, for example, fit 2 books, 5 cds, a bottle of water and a stack of dvds into a handbag. Impractical.
Today, and today only, I have in my bag:
* A Student card from 2 years ago
* An unused bag of green tea (mint flavour)
* 4 Tampons
* 2 Stiffy disks with I assume some e-mails on them
* My ID book
* My passport
* The lyrics of "dream a little dream of me" by Louis Armstrong
* A bottle of Kaleidoscope deoderant, oh sorry, perfume body spray by Lentheric. Says on the side He stared at her walking down the street. It should have been illegal for her to appear in public without warning. She was about to 'CREATE STIR'. Bahaha! I just prefer not smelling like sweat, doubt it's so powerful as to warrant a warrant of arrest.
* 3 incomplete and 2 completed Sudoku puzzles
* A copy of my passport & ID, stamped and signed by the police.
* A stack of dirty, crumpled up forms I had to fax a month ago in order to finally get a tax number after more than a year of earning a salary. Hope no one from SARS ever stumbles upon this blog. I never faxed it.
* January - June 2006 Almenac for Nan Hua temple
* A copy of The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity by Daniel Reid a.k.a. my personal bible
* Program for Chinese New Years (arf! arf!)
* Payslip for January 2006
* Printed e-mail from Marcel that I might have replied to
* 5 ml plastic measuring spoon
* 2 black pens
* 5 Norflex muscle relaxants
* Spare key for car (because I've had to break into my car like 7 times before, and once break a window - now I have 4 spare keys planted in mysterious places)
* USB 128 MB flashdisk
* Housekeys with Avalokitesvara keychain (now I know)
* Crumpled up receipt for JET application sending
* Wallet (what that contains is a whole other paragraph)
* TEFL reading pack # 1
* 2 pairs of sunglasses - one with skin from my fingers on the lenses, one without
Me, in a bag.

1 comment:

Cacophony said...

wow. that is more than a handbag. but does it beat mine. lets see..........