Monday, January 16, 2006

I don't know why it upsets me, because there's no point in being upset. Or rather, there's nothing I can do about it.
Worked over the weekend, and being slightly clueless, I just wandered around the factory, chatting to the factory workers. There are about 800 workers on the production lines, doing mindless, repetitive jobs such as.. sticking lables on packaging.. buttering bread.. stirring pots of pasta.. basic unschooled, dead-end jobs with minimum wage.

Making small talk with George, who spends 28 days a month packing strips of bacon onto a griller, I asked him what he'd rather be doing with his life.
"I want to be a mechanical engineer," he said, "I don't always want to be here."
So what's stopping you, I enquired.
"Money. I don't have the funds. I started studying, but could not support myself".

He has such bright eyes, but if you live on a salary that only enters you in the struggle for survival, how do you get out of your circumstances?

He told me later than his younger sister got a bursary to go study medicine, and she's well on her way to become a qualified doctor. I get so frustrated with wealthy white people who bitch and moan because there aren't bursaries available for whites, but they grudingly manage to send their kids to University. There are people who need it more, people who, if it weren't for those 'previously disadvantaged' bursaries, would spend the rest of their lives packing strips of bacon onto a griller.

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